Clarity starter groovi kit
Groovi Border frame plate /boarder nested tags plate
Boarder perforating plate
Jaynes poinsettia plate
A4 Nested circles and frilly frame plate
Clarity A6 frame plate
Clarity light box
Double side fine tape / Clear foam tape
Perforating tools /snips / embossing tools /Black board
Clarity Summer parchment / Normal parchment
Faber castell polychromo colour pencil /Tumble drier sheet
Before I start if you are new to parchment just few tips use a tumble drier sheet on the side of the parchment that you will be doing your scoring this will help your tools glide use this side for white work use the soft side of the board for white work and a soft mat for your perforating which is done on the front of your work snipping on the front as well. when using the coloured parchment your white work and scoring on the brightest shine side
With the A4 circle score your circles
On normal parchment do two full images of the poinsettias . I used scrap parchment to make the levels of the flowers I made four
to your frame add your ferns every other one
make your tag with the centre of the parchment this is where I changed thing did not think the merry Christmas showed enough so I did another centre piece of the tag and added the letters from the A6 plate frame. With the perforating plate and no 1 tool I added dots to the boarder of my tag
With perforating mat and two pin tool went around my frame and tag
Add coulr to the poinsettias and the frame now perforate the flowers
With the parchment scissors or snips that I use picot all your pieces I added my frame with the double sided tape on the berries to the base card then poinsettias now build up your flowers using the transparent foam tape hope you enjoyed this thank you for visiting my blog